July 27, 2024

Best Blogging Platform 2021

Creating a free blog is the easiest and shortest way to create a presence on the Internet, and fortunately this is available to everyone, almost without any conditions, and completely free.

Moreover, there is not a single site that provides free blogging service, but there are many, many of these sites that allow everyone this wonderful feature.

In this article, we will list the most famous and important sites that provide a free blogging service, with a brief overview of each.

But before you start dealing with these sites, let’s address a group of reasons that push you to create your free blog today:

5 reasons to create a free blog

1- For fun and entertainment

Presence on the Internet by owning a free blog, which contains an interesting entertainment aspect, as the blog will enable you to share with family and friends and even the world your interests and ideas, and it will also enable you to communicate with the world and give the world a chance to communicate with you.

2- In order to achieve profits

Through your free blog, you can make profits in many ways, including affiliate marketing, or renting advertising space to others, and there are also many other ways.

3- In order to market for yourself or your business.

A free blog can be a great showcase for you, giving you an opportunity to market yourself, achieve more popularity and gain new leads.

This applies to you whether you are a doctor, engineer, free lancer, teacher, even a taxi driver or student.

On the other hand, you can use your free blog to market your business, whether it is a restaurant, store, company, or even a hair salon.

4- In order to make an impact

Do you have ideas and information on a specific topic? Do you want to be an influencer and help solve problems in your community and country? Do you have the power to make an impact? Then a free blog is your way to achieve this.

5- To test a website idea or business online idea

Do you have a website idea and are afraid of the risk, because you think that it will need a lot of expenses that you can not afford now?

Then test your idea and implement it as a mini template by creating a free blog.

Best free blog creation services


Blogger is one of the most important, best and most famous sites that provide a free blogging service, Blogger is one of the services provided by the giant company Google. Blogger is somewhat easy to use, but it is not the easiest, as will be shown shortly.

Any beginner, with a little fatigue and effort, can start building a Blogger blog and handling its dashboard.
It has a lot of templates suitable for all types of content, and it has the distinction of having a Google Adsense account as Google prefers it.

In this context, you will not find it difficult to place Google AdSense ads within the Blogger blog, as Blogger is prepared for this through a specific place dedicated to placing AdSense ads.

Among the features that distinguish Blogger is that many Arabs use it and talk about it on their sites, so you will find many and many topics in Arabic, which helps you to understand how everything about Blogger works.


WordPress is the biggest competitor to Blogger, and there are many opinions that say that WordPress is better than Blogger and surpasses it in many respects, perhaps this is due to the diversity and richness of the themes and designs that are distinguished by WordPress and no one competes with him in this, or perhaps because of the huge number Of the plugins that allow you to add a lot of features easily.

Creating a completely free WordPress blog is not the only option that WordPress offers you, but there are paid plans that have a lot of advanced features and features.

There is also WordPress.org, which is an integrated content management program, which you can use for free through your web hosting.


Although this site is new, it has recently gained great fame and has become one of the biggest competitors of the two giants Blogger and WordPress.

One of the best features that you will only find on the Tumblr platform is the great ease and ease of designing your blog. Tumblr website gives you the ability to place text files, videos, images or music files.

The slogan of Tumblr is that you can put anything in your free blog, and the brilliant thing about Tumblr is that it is a social network for blogging. You can follow other blogs through your blog and their posts will appear on your page.

And you can re-publish some topics from other blogs on your blog, and you can add a comment on one of the other people’s published posts, and this also can be available for others regarding your topics.

Tumblr works to help you find blogs that are of interest to you, and also helps others to communicate with you within the framework of their interests, this will make you get more targeted visitors without making more effort.


Webley is one of the most important sites that provide the same service (creating a free blog), and it is distinguished in some features from others, it is excellent in creating an online store, and it is considered one of the easiest ways to quickly create a web page for beginners, where you can only drag And insert whatever you want from the toolbar to appear directly on your own page.

Webley also includes paid plans that have more advanced features and features.


It’s just as easy as Webley in designing your own blog, as they use the same drag and drop feature to design blogs.

They have many distinct and attractive templates designed with the highest level of technology, and your blog will be professionally visible on the mobile versions. Wix has a high level of security regarding your files and blog content.

I previously created a simple blog as an experiment through the Wix site, and it was an extremely wonderful experience and it was attractive and looked like a site designed by a professional in web design.

Really, this site is the ideal from my point of view if you want to have a charming design for your blog, and you can also modify all designs to put your own touch, and this is easily as if you collect some puzzle cubes to make your own design as you see fit.

It also has the ability to create your own online store, and it contains paid plans with more privileges.
Other sites offer free blog creation service


At the end of this article, I want to warn you not to stop too much at the point of choosing a site to create your free blog, as any of the services that we have put in this article will fulfill the purpose, and through which you can achieve your goal and reach what you want.

Just choose one of the aforementioned services, and soon start getting into depth and actually start blogging.



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