July 27, 2024

What is the difference between cpanel and plesk?

When it comes to managing your website’s server, you’re probably looking for something that lets you do what you need to do with as little hassle as possible. This most likely means that you are going for some type of control panel, although all of the server related tasks that you need to do can be done through a command line interface. Obviously, either is a good choice, but there are always pros and cons that determine which is best for you. For example, if you go for a cheaper web hosting plan, some of them offer cPanel, while others prefer Plesk as the control panel. Once you have chosen the plan, you cannot choose between the two. We want to show you that the control panel is a very important topic to consider before you start using a web hosting service. In case you need a more powerful plan based on dedicated hosting or VPS, this one will definitely help you choose a control panel. Now let’s take a look at the most important things to know about Plesk and cPanel!


cPanel Many new users choose cPanel to create domain names and launch web hosting packages. This is mainly due to the fact that cPanel is designed for inexperienced users. Anyone can quickly install and understand how this control panel works. cPanel will never let you down. You can make urgent changes at night or take on a longer task in the afternoon. the control panel will always be ready. cPanel is built under Linux. Therefore, if you prefer to use Windows or another operating system, this control panel is not recommended for you. It can be used in three different ways, there is administrator mode, reseller or the end user (website owner). These three roles use different functionality. cPanel lets you do anything that can be done in a typical control panel. This includes managing resources, backups, and files. On the other hand, it also allows you to install many plugins out of the box, which can help you a lot in the tasks related to your website. For example, you can use WHM with cPanel. WHM is an abbreviation for Web Hosting Manager. If you have multiple cPanel accounts, you can use this extension to manage them more easily. People who have many websites always have an interest in using a separate cPanel for each one. In these cases, using a WHM can help you a lot. Difference between Joomla and Drupal Difference between Joomla and Drupal Drupal and Joomla are free, open-source content management systems (CMS) for publishing web content.


Plesk is ideal for all types of server environments, such as shared private, dedicated and virtual servers. It can also meet the needs of web hosting services by allowing full customization, useful for both host and end user. The incredible stability is one of the advantages of Plesk. It will protect websites from cyber attacks, malware and server side outages. Plesk’s extra layer of security therefore prevents website downtime. In case of errors in the database, Plesk has integrated troubleshooting to detect and fix the errors itself. So if we have any issues / errors in the WordPress or Joomla database, we can try the one click repair option in Plesk. This will help us recognize the error and correct it. Plesk is not much different from cPanel. If you add a WHM to your cPanel, you will get the same functionality that you can find in Plesk. There is no need for extensions; This control panel is capable of managing multiple websites by itself. If you don’t want a Linux solution, you should definitely choose Plesk instead of cPanel. This one works on Windows, but you can also run it on some versions of Linux if you are really a fan of this control panel.

The general characteristics of a control panel

Both panels provide the following suite of website management functions:
  • Management of the domain name system: domain renewal, DNS editing, subdomain management and registration of new domains.
  • Mail system: setting up new mail accounts, mail redirects and junk mail.
  • FTP: user account administration, password and file system quota management
  • Access to the web file system
  • SSH User / Key Manager
  • Data base management
  • Backup management
  • Access to the logbook and reports

cPanel is not always compatible with Windows servers

Plesk is the best option if your website runs ASP or .NET code or directly accesses Microsoft Access or MSSQL databases. However, cPanel did offer a version for Windows servers called Enkompass. But since 2014, cPanel no longer deals with this version.

Comparison of cPanel and Plesk: security function

CPanel security features include:

Password protected directories
IP address forwarding
SSL / TLS for online stores
GnuPG key settings for encryption

It also offers site protection via HotLink (to prevent misuse of media files) and Leech (to prevent unauthorized visitors from using a published username and password).

Plesk security features include:

Active Directory Integration
Social media authentication
Incoming and outgoing anti-spam services
Fail2Ban intrusion prevention system

Sub-accounts and user roles

Control panels manage user access in different ways.

CPanel requires a unique password to access, created during account setup. The administrator can then assign certain functions to the users of the sub-account. Functions are limited to email, FTP, and web disk usage. Other aspects of the site, such as the file manager, database access and email lists, are not available.

Conversely, Plesk allows individual user accounts with their own login credentials and full access. The account administrator can open or hide resources and services from user accounts by defining subscriptions and roles. This role-based access provides flexibility that many cPanel users want.

Intuitive interface

CPanel offers a multitude of applications in order to provide a complete experience. For experienced users this can be an advantage. You can easily select the functions you want. Many less experienced users, however, will find the interface cluttered. Regarding appearance, cPanel categorizes all applications and tools into groups (files, databases, email, etc.). Each group can be moved up and down the visual hierarchy by dragging and dropping.

Plesk takes a more streamlined approach. The panel’s home page is clean and relies on app add-ons to plug the feature holes. The basic program may be less comprehensive, but it may be less confusing for beginners.

The general style of the Plesk interface can be described as a section-based organization. The main categories, such as system and domain information, for example, are shown on the left, and the options for the selected category appear in the larger window on the right.

Conclusion: cPanel or Plesk

We hope that the cPanel and Plesk comparison will help you choose the right control panel for your web administration needs. Both products offer free demonstrations on their websites.

The devil is in the details. Although the two panels have similar functions, the two offer very different user experiences. Certain criteria, such as using Windows servers for example, can make a difference.

One thought on “What is the difference between cpanel and plesk?

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